Appeals Of Your SSDI Claim Is Less Stressful With A Chicago Disability Attorney

by | Aug 28, 2013 | Law Services

Many claims for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) are denied on their first filing. To be able to get your benefits, you will need to go through some or all of the appeals processes. If you hire a social security lawyer Chicago, the process will go a lot smoother and you will have much less stress to deal with.
You don’t have to worry about having enough money to hire a Chicago Disability Attorney because federal law requires all cases involving SSDI and SSI claims be taken on a contingency basis. This means that the client makes no up front payments. In fact, the Chicago Disability Attorney won’t be entitled to any pay if they don’t win the case. They only get paid if they win and then their fees are set and monitored by the SSA (Social Security Administration) and the federal government.
To qualify to file a SSDI benefits claim, you must have worked for at least 10 years and paid FICA taxes. During that time frame, you must have worked a set number of quarters and your disability must have occurred within the last 5 years of the working time requirement.
To qualify for SSI, you must be totally disabled and indigent. This means that you have no income coming into the household and you can’t have any assets valued beyond a certain limitation, not including your home and one car.
Your Chicago Disability Attorney will go over everything necessary to qualify to file a claim. They will tell you about the medical proof of your disability and how to get copies from the emergency room where you were first treated for your injury and from any doctors that have subsequently treated you. The doctor’s opinion of how much you are suffering and how limited you life has become since you were injured could be an important factor. If you can’t get a good statement from your current doctor, your Chicago Disability Attorney may suggest that you get a second medical opinion from a more cooperative doctor.
Everything regarding your case will go easier with the knowledge and experience of a Chicago Disability Attorney representing you.
For more information about how a disability attorney in Chicago can benefit you, visit the Jeffrey A Rabin & Associates, Ltd. at

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