Many women and men serve our country every day in order to keep our nation and other nations safe from the effects of war and to keep our country free. They may serve in the Coast Guard, the Navy, Marines, and Air Force or in the Army. During their service they are met with all kinds of risks and put their life on the line in many circumstances. Because it is inevitable that some of these service members will become injured on the job, the Department of Veterans Affairs or the VA was set up to make sure that these victims were able to receive Veterans Disability Benefits. Injuries that these men and women may receive during their service can affect them for many years to come and some for the rest of their lives. As a result of their injuries or illness they may find it hard to provide for their families financially and may need Veterans Disability Benefits in order to help them to take care of themselves and their dependents. Some of the common injuries of those who receive Veterans Disability Benefits can include damage of motor skills, loss of vision or memory, loss of limbs and even paralysis. Many may also suffer from ill health due to exposure to chemicals or other hazards during their service. Military men and women that are injured in the line of duty can be eligible for benefits that range anywhere from 100 to 3000 dollars a month and the amount that they receive will depend on the severity of their situation and it may also depend on the number of dependents that the person claims. If you feel that you should rightfully receive Veterans Disability Benefits then you should contact a Veterans Disability Group and they will be able to help you fill out the correct paperwork and help you to get it submitted in a timely manner. There are certain steps in the application process and you may need specific medical records and assessments from your doctor that relate to the injury or illness so that you can get the benefits that you deserve and are entitled to. Along with your application you will also need to include information about your dependents including birth certificates for your children and also a marriage license if you are married. This process can be done on your own, but you may want to consider getting help from a Veterans Disability Group or lawyer in order to make the process as painless as possible. They are also very knowledgeable about all of the current laws and know what you will be able to apply for. If you are a disabled veteran and have questions about your eligibility for veterans disability benefits , visit Disability Group, Inc – Veteran Benefits to get guided about your eligibility.