Security patrol in Fairfax VA is a large part of the duties of a security officer or guard. A security guard is a private civilian employee of an agency and is usually uniformed. The guard’s responsibility is to deter any attempt at theft, mischief, vandalism etc. that may take place at his posted station. By maintaining high visibility the guard can better protect the property, assets and people that he has responsibility for. The security officer observes the activities in his area through security patrol in Fairfax VA or by observing video feed and alarm system monitoring. If any signs of a crime, fire or civil disorder are noticed he takes the appropriate action, which usually entails advising the authorities and the employer. Officers assigned to security patrol in Fairfax VA practice what is known as DDOR, detect, deter, observe and report. Although security officers can make a citizen’s arrest they rarely do unless tasked to do so by the authorities. The primary task of a security guard is deter and prevent crime and to enforce the rules of the employing company. They can and do control the situation with the use of restraints such as handcuffs; they operate emergency equipment and provide first aid, including CPR. When on security patrol in Fairfax VA, the guard is mandated to prepare reports and take notes as part of his responsibilities. When a security officer is on security patrol in Fairfax VA he may carry a weapon which may include a baton, pepper spray or a firearm. Security guards who are armed invariably have taken intensive training and are licensed to carry such weapons. In some states the guard may also be required to have police certification for certain duties. The training standards employed in Virginia for security guards who carry firearms is identical to the training given to police officers. At times a security patrol in Fairfax VA is assigned to a large compound such as an airport or seaport. These officers may have special training in operating radar which allows them to enforce traffic laws on private property, the training they undergo results in their being sworn as special police officers. A major incentive for companies to have both foot and vehicle security patrol in Fairfax VA is insurance. Fire insurance companies in particular offer substantial reductions in premiums on sites that have 24 x 7 security. The reduction in rate can often exceed the cost of security, especially if the property is high value or high risk such as an oil refinery. Security patrol in Fairfax VA at one time meant that a guard roved the premises on schedule and reported his presence using a clock system which recorded the time of his visit. Today, CCTV cameras have taken the place of roving guards who are predictable, thereby alerting potential criminals to a safe time to commit their crime. National Protective Services, Inc. supply security patrol in Fairfax,Virginia. The services can be tailored to exactly meet the needs of the client.