Qualities of a Good CPA Accountant, Manhattan

by | Mar 19, 2013 | Accountants

If you are in search of a person to do bookkeeping and processing of financial statements, a CPA accountant will be the right professional to approach. However, not every accountant will measure up to the high quality as required in accounting. Some will do high quality work while others are scanty. If substandard services are provided to you, fines and penalties will be yours. In some cases, your business can be apprehended or find yourself behind bars. It is for this reason that you must look for a person who will deliver top quality services. The following are the qualities that you should determine before hiring a CPA accountant, Manhattan: * The experience of the CPA accountant- This is one of the professions that will require a person who has been in the business for a long time, for various reasons. Firstly, the work will be delivered in good time. Just as the adage that practice makes a person perfect, the longer the time an accountant has been in practice, the faster they deliver the work. Secondly, every transaction will be posted to the right account without any omission or error. Journals will not have to be raised every now and then to correct the errors. Lastly, a detailed summary will be produced addressing all the issues to the management. * Undertaking of CPE by the CPA accountant, Manhattan- A good accountant is the one that takes CPE exams as required by the state or the certification body. Every state has its own provision of the number of topics that an accountant has to undertake in CPA. At the same time, the body that issues practicing certificate will have provision of the subjects that have to be covered on yearly basis. Some of the subjects that have to be covered include ethics, industrial management, financial statement preparation, and many others. * A CPA accountant who is conversant with the changes in ISA or IFRS is the right one for you. Preparation of financial statement is governed by generally accepted principles that are dynamic. This means that they will keep on changing from time to time. For instance, the ISA-1 was changes in 2007 on the manner in which the statement have to be named.  A good accountant will be up to date with all the changes that are reviewed by the relevant bodies. * A CPA accountant, Manhattan should offer full services at affordable accounting fees. They should be able to do bookkeeping by updating the journals and tax preparation. They should also be in a position to provide management accounting as well as preparation of final financial statement. Internal auditing is a plus to what a CPA accountant can do. The cost of services should be based on the complexity of the work. A CPA accountant in Manhattan should handle all the accounting issues using the right principles of accounting. Prudence is one of the principles that must be given a second thought.

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