Division of Property in Divorce Proceedings

by | Mar 19, 2013 | Law Services

Divorce is a difficult process regardless if the feelings are mutual or not.  Sadly many times one side of the couple wants the divorce and the other wants to work through the problems.  When both parties want the divorce, it can be a bit smoother to get through the division of property aspect but when one party wants to leave and the other doesn’t, it is very difficult.  This is when a divorce in Gilbertsville, PA will have problems reaching the final desired result and can drag on for months, even years. Most couples buy things together when they get married.  They have fun purchasing things for their lives together and never imagine they will have to divide their possession when they decide to divorce years later.  It is a difficult process because many times both will be working and contribute to the family’s budget.  It is hard to decide who gets to keep what and who will have to buy new items.  It is customary for the woman, if there are kids involved and she can afford to, keep the house.  That is so the children will have a safe and secure home and not have to uproot their lives completely.  The man, dad, will usually move close by so the kids can visit during the times he has custody.  If the mother cannot afford to keep the house, the house will usually be sold and the profits split.  This is one step in the process of a divorce in Gilbertsville, PA. The more difficult items are within the house.  If both vehicles are in one person’s name that can also cause a problem.  The division of property within a house is often times done with a list and one party goes through the things they want.  Some items belong in their family and if one side wants to hurt the other, they will demand those things.  The courts will usually rule that a family item stays in that side of the family if it can be proven as such.  If you are in a case of divorce in Gilbertsville, PA and want to retain the things that rightfully belong to you, be sure to give the other side what they are requesting and they may be more lenient in giving you what you are requesting.  If you don’t the process and costs to drag out, swallow your pride and compromise.  It will get you moving on your way faster. If you are seeking an attorney and a law firm that represents divorce and family law clients in Gilbertsville, PA, The Law Office of Boyd and Karveris a firm practicing in all areas of family law.

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