Treatment for chronic pain is often complex and varies on a case-to-case basis. Essentially, pain relief methods that work for someone else might not work for you. That’s why it’s best to consult an expert. The good news is there are numerous methods patients can try. Work with a pain specialist to determine which approaches best manage your condition.
Hot and Cold Therapy
Heat relaxes the muscles and dilates blood vessels. They can help people with muscle injuries. Cold therapy restricts blood flow and eases inflammation. If your doctor develops a plan for chronic pain management in Boca Raton, FL, it might include these methods.
Soft-tissue manipulation is another commonly used treatment for chronic pain management in Boca Raton, FL. Massage positively impacts numerous conditions, improving circulation, posture, flexibility, and reach. It can also reduce muscle aches and stiffness.
Some types of chronic pain management in Boca Raton, FL, also rely on acupuncture. The treatment helps with some pain conditions, reducing muscle spasms, relaxes muscles, reduces inflammation, and offers pain relief.
The discipline helps patients achieve greater control over the body. Frequent yoga sessions help improve muscle flexibility, relaxes the body, and strengthens core muscles. It has also been effective in reducing pain. For the best outcomes, patients are encouraged to practice yoga at home since it’s an accessible form of pain management.
Relaxation Therapy
Relaxation methods include deep breathing techniques, calm thinking or a practice that teaches patients to imagine a calming scene for five minutes. Patients can also engage in relaxing activities such as having a warm bath, crafting, or reading.
Drug Therapy
Drug therapy is often the last resort and is usually prescribed by doctors when many other methods have failed.
Learn more about pain management. Talk to our experts at Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group for help and advice.